Counseling and Advising
New Student Information
EPISD professional school counselors are certified/licensed educators trained in school counseling with unique qualifications to address all students’ academic, personal/social and career development needs. School counselors implement school counseling programs that promote and enhance student achievement. They provide direct services to students to help them manage academic and social needs and to support efforts of teachers and parents in promoting self-confidence, academic readiness, social and interpersonal sensitivity and skills, and awareness of academic and future career opportunities.
Counselors are student advocates. They can help to:
resolve scheduling conflicts or problems
review transcript information
make the correct subject choices
assist in creating stronger teacher-student relationships
listen to your personal concerns or problems
provide college information
guide students to available college scholarships and financial aid
provide career choice opportunities
give information about community resources to address concerns
Students and their parents are encouraged to talk with their school counselor about school-related issues, academic concerns, course offerings, school programs, testing requirements, graduation requirements, graduation plans, and the guidance curriculum.
Contact Us
Dr. Emily Stuessy
E-mail Emily Stuessy
Brenda Castillo
E-mail Brenda Castillo
1100 N. Stanton St.
El Paso, TX 79902
Mission & Vision
From a foundation of genuine, unconditional, and positive regard, we will treat, serve, and respect all students solely by name and individual need.
Mission Statement
The mission of EPISD’s counseling program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career and personal/social development of all students. Professional School Counselors, in partnership with other educators, parents or guardians, and the community ensure that all students have access to and are prepared with the knowledge and skills to contribute at the highest level as productive members of society.
Philosophy Statement
Guiding Principles
EPISD professional school counselors believe:
All students have innate value, dignity, and worth.
All students’ ethnic, cultural, racial, sexual differences, and special needs are valued and considered in planning and implementing the school counseling program.
All students need a variety of experiences to develop intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically.
All students will be given the opportunity to develop effective coping skills.
All students will have the right to participate in an ethically sound school counseling program managed by a Master’s level, Texas state certified professional school counselor.
College and Universities
Talk to your counselor about your options after high school graduation. They can assist your parents, and you with college and university information. Working with your counselor will help you be better prepared as you plan for college.
Professional school counselors can help you with:
Career Explorations
College Admission Assistance
College Applications
Financial Aid Information
SAT/ACT Registration
Community Resources
Are you looking for community resources to support your child or family? We are here to help with your child's academic and emotional success. We have provided some links to community resources that may provide support for crisis situations, situational problems, chronic mental health and/or addiction issues.
Counseling and Advising does not endorse community resource over another. Parents are encouraged to contact the community resource for the accuracy of services, contact information, or for additional questions. For some links, parents may have to search through the company/organization website directly.
Child Protective Services
Call our Abuse Hotline 1-800-252-5400 toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, nationwide or report with our secure website and get a response within 24 hours.
Mental Health
Okay to Say was launched by the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute and its partners to increase awareness that most mental illnesses are treatable and to offer messages of hope and recovery to Texans and their families.
Suicide Prevention
Emergence Healthcare Network
El Paso Emergence Health Network (EHN) and its dedicated staff are committed to assisting El Paso’s most vulnerable citizens, residents with either or both severe and persistent mental illness and/or intellectual/development disabilities and/or substance abuse issues. At EHN we work to help these individuals and their families find resources and treatments to help with their disorders/disabilities and become as independent as possible.
Crisis Hotline
Anyone can access the EHN Crisis Hotline any time of the day or night. The hotline is manned by qualified mental health professionals and backed up by on-call professionals who are available to the public 24/7/365. Crisis Hotline Specialists initially provide verbal crisis resolution when they receive a call. Crisis Specialists are trained through their education and training to assist in verbal de-escalation and link individuals who need help to local mental health resources in the community, such as Emergence Health Network’s Crisis Intake Unit and Extended Observation Unit.
EHN Crisis Hotline: 915-779-1800
Toll-Free Crisis Hotline: 1-877-562-6467
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is the nation's largest non-profit dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide.
Texas Suicide Hotline
Texas Department of State Health Services Suicide Prevention Resources
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals call 1-800-273-8255.
Financial Aid
FinAid was established in the fall of 1994 as a public service. This award-winning site has grown into the most comprehensive source of student financial aid information, advice and tools -- on or off the web.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Federal Student Aid, an office of the U.S. Department of Education, ensures that all eligible individuals can benefit from federally funded or federally guaranteed financial assistance for education beyond high school.
McKinney-Vento Act
The Homeless Liaison is supported through the Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth Grant (TEHCY) and provides support and services to students and families that have been identified as homeless based on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act.
Contact Us
Homeless Liaison
Olivia Narvaez, LBSW
Personal Social
The following are possible scholarship links for you to pursue. This list is not meant to be all inclusive of possible scholarship resources.
Please visit your high school counselor for the most up-to-date scholarship information.
The Counseling and Advising does not endorse one scholarship over another nor the accuracy of scholarship deadlines and/or requirements.
For some links, you may have to search through the company/organization website If you need additional assistance, please visit your high school counselor.
If you have additional questions, regarding a specific scholarship, you are also encouraged to contact the sponsoring organization.
· American Fire Sprinker Association
· American Legion Scholarships Various deadlines
· Dell Scholars Program Opens on November 1, 2017
· Don't Mess w/Texas HS Scholarships for High School Seniors
· El Paso Commission for Women Application has two parts: Application and Release of Information form
Verify deadline at
· El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
· El Paso ISD Education Foundation
· FBI Citizen's Academy Alumni Association College Scholarship Award
· GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program
· KFC Foundation Various program deadlines
· Kohl's Cares for Kids Scholarship
· LULAC February 12, 2018 - March 31, 2018
· MAES Latinos in Science and Engineering Scholarship
· Natl Federation of Independent Business Young Entrepreneur Foundation
· Rio Grande Electric Co-Op Scholarship Deadline: April 20, 2018
· Society of Broadcast Engineers of El Paso Deadline: July 1, 2018
· Society of Women Engineers March 1, 2018 - May 1, 2018
· Terry Foundation Scholarship (University of Houston)
· Texas Armed Services Scholarship: Introduction - Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program
· Texas Lyceum Leadership Awards
· Texas Retired Teachers Foundation
· Texas Tech University Scholarships
· Texas Trial Lawyers Assoc. Scholarship
· The Braden Aboud Memorial Scholarship
· The Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship
· United Negro College Fund Scholarship
· University Interscholastic League
· University of Texas - El Paso Scholarships
· University Tutor Deadline is at the end of each month.
· Veteran's of Foreign Wars Scholarships
· Women's Fund of El Paso