Family & Community Liaison
Enlace de Familias y Comunidad
Direct Line: 915-236-2403
Google Text: 915-502-0035
My name is Patricia Gonzalez, Family & Community Liaison from Franklin High School. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for choosing us as your school of choice. We consider working with your family a privilege. I want to make sure you have the most important contact information for our school and ways to stay connected with us.
I look forward to working with you and your family throughout this year.
Please keep yourself informed with our Franklin Community Newsletter. This newsletter will include:
Important School Dates
School Event Flyers
Upcoming Parent Workshops, Classes, and Meetings
Community Events & Resources
Information about VIPS - Volunteers in Public Schools
Information from PTSA - Parent Teacher Student Association
Student & Staff Successes
Please contact me if you ever have any questions or need support.
Family & Community Liaison
Enlace de Familias y Comunidad
Direct Line: 915-236-2403
Google Text: 915-502-0035